Dukas: The Sorcerer's Apprentice Orchestra of the Teatro Vittorio Emanuele Messina Messina, December 8th, 2023 Conduct,Concert You may also like 18:11 Ravel: Bolero Concert 5:59 Strauss: Spring Voices Waltz Conduct,Operetta & Waltz 10:20 Wagner: Dutch Overture (Messina 2021) Conduct,Wagner 2:30 Conductor - Demo Conduct 8:03 The Song of the Earth (1) Concert Tristan and Isolde (2nd act) Conduct,Tristan and Isolde Cavatine of "Aleko" (Konieczny) Conduct,Opera Pizarro's aria (Fidelio) Conduct,Opera 123…9»Page 1 of 9 Matthias2023-12-20T23:10:06+01:00December 20th, 2023|